Ms. Barbara Edwards
Grade 7 Humanities Teacher
Mr. Winston Edwards
Grade 7 Math and Science Teacher
Mr. Darren Weir
Grade 8 Math/Science Teacher
Ms. Evvy Jenoure
Humanities Teacher
Mr. Doug Wong
Grade 9 Math and Outdoor Education, High School Science and Outdoor Education Teacher
Ms. Trisha Vadnais
Grade 7 Science and Foods, and High School Aboriginal Studies and Home Economics Teacher
Mr. Colin Mackay
Junior High Grade 7 Social Studies and High School Mechanics, Welding, Woodworking and Science Teacher
Ms. Kylie Malo
High School Humanities and Options Teacher
Mr. Charles Greening
High School Guidance Councilor, and High School Math and Humanities Teacher
Mr. Dallon Perry
High School Mechanics, Welding, Woodworking, Outdoor Education, Physical Education and English Teacher
Ms. Terri-Lynn McLeod
High School Science, Math and Options Teacher
Mr. Cheyne Allen
Junior High Art and High School Art and Humanities Teacher
Mr. Devon Quarrie
Junior High Computers and High School Knowledge & Employability and Options Teacher